
Commercial Manager


When Commercial Manager Jason McCallum joined Ventia, he’d recently become a single dad and was facing the challenges of juggling the demands of parenthood with a full-time role.

Jason says that he feels companies are getting better at accommodating the needs of female employees when it comes to parenting responsibilities, but sometimes the same consideration isn’t given to fathers.

The opportunity to work flexibly has benefited Jason in numerous ways. Alternating between working in the office and from home, he says he’s built a stronger relationship with his kids.

“When I was in the office five days a week, I wouldn’t see much of my kids to be honest,” he says. “Now I am able to spend time with them in the morning before they go to school and again in the afternoon. Without the daily commute, I can work around those two pockets of time with my kids.

“The best part is, they’re talking to me more now. I know more about their lives and what they’re up to than I ever did before, and I love that.”

Excerpts from: https://www.ventia.com/news-and-insights/bagpipes-and-balance-the-benefits-of-flexible-working