Professional development

University of Adelaide

Staff development

The University's reputation for excellence is derived from the quality of its staff and their leadership skills.

The aim of the various programs on offer is to increase the skills, knowledge and aptitude of staff, in defined areas, to increase their competence and performance, thereby supporting the goals of the University. Many personal and professional development courses are available, with most training conducted by on-campus providers.

Visit the Staff Development web page to find out more.

Professional and Continuing Education (PCE)

PCE opens the door to lifelong learning by offering over 380 courses, workshops and seminars to University staff and the wider community.

Visit the PCE website to find out more and help you achieve your specific learning goals.

Development & Alumni

As a staff member of the University, you will be part of our alumni.

Development & Alumni have a number of alumni networks across the world which assist with the connection and interaction with each other.

Alumni networks can lead to personal and career development, increase the University's understanding of alumni needs, and strengthen the relationship between the University and alumni.