The Imdex way

Imdex Limited

The Imdex Way

The Imdex Way sets out the key principles and expected behaviours that govern our company’s decision making, business practices and employee reward programs.


Communicating openly and honestly. Avoiding activities or organisations that are unethical, harm people or the environment.


Working collaboratively, safely and with respect for diversity within Imdex’s Group to achieve the best results for our company, clients and colleagues.


Taking responsibility for and delivering on Imdex’s commitments to our company, clients and colleagues.

Being Dynamic

Maintaining an efficient global company with the flexibility to provide localised client solutions and the adaptability to react quickly to new opportunities and change.


Leveraging Imdex’s advanced technologies, research and development capabilities to deliver innovative, leading edge products and services that optimise client operations.

Continuous Improvement

Pursuing Imdex’s strategy of ongoing growth and reward for shareholders, clients and employees through continuous improvement of our company's products, services and work practices.